Monday 20 October 2008

So you want to get into advertsiing?

Consuming the weekend papers the other night, and I came across an interesting article in the Guardian about a ’aptitude testing’ for those wanting to get into creative jobs. A few Goggles later revealed that this has also been publicised several months ago, (so apologies if this is old hat to you, but I do confess it passed me until now).
The test itself is described as designed to identify 'diagonal thinkers' - those who are both logical and creative – its aim is to shed the industry's middle class image. Diagonal thinking itself is ‘the ability to switch effortlessly between linear, logical thought processes to lateral, creative ones’. Tim Lindsay - president of TBWA – is mentioned, having been completed the assessment himself.

According to the IPA, only 10% of the population can think diagonally apparently!

With the financial sector in crisis, the government sees the creative industries as key to Britain's future economic success. Currently accounting for more than 7% of GDP, the creative sector is growing at twice the rate of the wider economy and is on course to become the second largest contributor to the UK economy by 2018.

Try it – it does take while, so turn off the phone, and see if you’re suited.

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